We are all-powerful, magical, spiritual beings, but we are also having a human experience. Part of the human experience is sometimes feeling sad, angry, lonely, or even depressed. It seems that when someone feels extreme sadness for a long period of time, they either do nothing or go to the doctor to get pills to try to feel better. Often neither of these attempts genuinely fix the problem.
I find it interesting how so many people will spend loads of time, attention, and money on how they look physically but completely neglect their emotional health. Yes, of course, our physical health is very important, but so is our emotional health. What’s the point if people look amazing on the outside but feel miserable on the inside?
There are so many things we can do to increase our state of joy that get to the root of the problem of feeling sad. These powerful tips also help with banishing fear and anxiety, as well as several other negative emotions.
1. Sunshine – Vitamin D from the sun is crucial to our emotional health. It seems that people are so afraid of getting skin cancer that they are forgetting all the major benefits that the beautiful sun affords us. Yes, of course, you don’t want to go out for hours in the direct sunlight and get sunburned. But taking a walk in the morning or sitting out in the sun for a little bit every day is really beneficial to our emotional health, and it feeds our energy.
2. Happy People – Be mindful of the energy you surround yourself with. If you are hanging out with people who are always talking about emotionally draining topics, this will affect you. Are you around people that are always gossiping about others, complaining about their health, or talking about how awful their life is? If so, you need to make a change. Birds of a feather really do flock together. Find people that are enjoying life, think big, like to give to others, and are making the world a better place with their positivity, and your positivity will naturally increase.
3. Exercise – When we get moving, it increases endorphins in our brain, which leads to happiness. Notice how wonderful you feel after a swim, a jog, a hike, or any physical activity. It lifts your vibe right up.
4. Laughter – Watch funny movies, tv episodes, or go to a live comedy show. Watch the funny movie and let yourself feel happy. Find comedians that you resonate with and watch them often.
5. Yellow and Orange colors – Color therapy is really powerful. If you want to lift, your mood try wearing bright yellow or orange. Also, eat yellow and orange foods such as pineapple, bananas, oranges, peaches, or mangoes. These colors affect your solar plexus and the sacral chakra energy points in the body. Opening the solar plexus represented by yellow will help with mood, energy, and joy. Opening the sacral chakra represented by orange help with feeling safe, secure, and stable.
6. Meditate – Taking time to connect with our spiritual self will only help increase our joy. When we get too involved in the human experience, we start to look at life with such limited form. We forget that we are powerful, all-knowing, spiritual beings that came here to play the game of life. We were so excited for the challenges, adventure and fun that life had to offer. When we meditate, we reconnect with that expanded consciousness and stop taking life so seriously.
Do these things on a regular basis to maintain your emotional health. You deserve to live a life of happiness, and you will help others by the positivity exuding from you!
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