The other day I went to drop off my son at a friends house and his friends mom asked me about my sons allergies. My 6 year old has a dairy allergy. She asked if he was doing any better and I started to explain to her that he has been having less and less reactions. She was intrigued and wanted to know why. I explained to her that I had been doing a lot of energy clearing work on myself and that it was affecting him in a really positive way.
As I said that she looked at me in an inquisitive way as if I had said something really strange. So I immediately went into my way of apologizing as I explained to her what I meant. It goes a little something like this…”I don’t know if you believe this but I believe our small children pick up on our energy and it can show up in their bodies causing problems. Or I know this sounds weird but I think that our children pick up on our energy and if we’re a mess that can effect them.”
As I was pitter pattering around I then finished up and got in the car. As I was driving home I thought “Seriously Jenn after all this time, you’re STILL apologizing to people on your beliefs just because it’s not the common way others believe?!” I made a promise to myself that day…That’ll be the last time! I decided that I will OWN my knowledge and the awesome things that I have learned.
Maybe the reason that conversation came up was because that mom needed that information and my message. Maybe just maybe by her learning from me that we are responsible for the energy we hold around these precious little souls and that it can help or hinder them that was exactly what she needed.
So YES I fully believe that if we improve our joy, health and love in our life our sweet kiddos will reflect that in their life!